Christian Faith and Legal Practice

Joseph G. Allegretti, The Lawyer's Calling: Christian Faith and Legal Practice (1996).

From the publisher: A noted law school professor reflects on the spiritual vacuum at the heart of the legal profession and suggests ways of reintegrating that profession with the deepest aspirations of its members.

B&N review: Lawyers in our day are facing a crisis of meaning. Distrusted by the public, stressed by overwork and questioning the value of their contribution to society, legal professionals find themselves in a situation where work has lost its connection with deeper beliefs. The crisis they face is essentially spiritual. How can lawyers bridge the gap between their beliefs and their daily work? Joseph Allegretti maintains that law can be a true vocation - a "calling" from God. He points to ways that lawyers are or can be healers in society, and he explains how their service to clients resembles a covenant relationship. Lawyers and law students will find his vision of the legal profession to be rich with possibility.

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